Wednesday, July 1, 2015

We are now intermedios!

Though I hope you are all safe, it is funny hearing about all the rain because we just get really misty air here. It is pretty cloudy most of the time though. This week we have been focusing a lot more on teaching. Our teachers are our investigators and we go teach them in little casas. We taught one "investigator" for the past couple weeks, but our teacher wanted the district to start over with another investigator. We teach in the morning and in the afternoon.

I was thinking about Matt and I wonder how he is doing as he enters the MTC. We have a ton of new missionaries right now. One of the new districts has 18 people. We have heard that the CCM is at full capacity right now. It was sad to see all the Latinos go, we had made friends with a lot of them. I am kind of looking forward to Huancayo just so I can get away from the crazy city. We ran into a couple today at the temple today, and when we told them our missions, they were like, "Huancayo is so beautiful!" I think that I will just buy a coat when I am in the field. I am sure that I will have to adjust to their rural life though. The small temple is beautiful, but it does make me miss D.C. a lot because of its size. I have not seen all of Lima, but there are some places where we run into some nice little parks. I am sure Chrisanne has been to a few of them!

For breakfast we just usually have a lot of bread and sometimes eggs and meat. I stopped eating the bowls of fruit for now, but I eat fruit at my other meals. If they have milk out I eat cereal. Because we eat a lot of bread here, some missionaries say that CCM stands for Carbs, Carbs, and Missionaries. They have some pretty good juices here. I like their orange juice and pineapple juice, but I really, really like their maracuya juice. It kind of tastes like mango, but it is a little different. It is really good though. Lunch and dinner are pretty good. Sometimes they give us ice cream for dessert. Their ice cream has a little bit of a coconut taste.
The learning is still pretty difficult, but I think that I am improving.  German words come into my mind first, and since I really have to concentrate, I sometimes lose my chance to say something in our lessons. I think that my Spanish accent is better than my German accent though! I also learned this week that Presidente Gonzales lived in West Berlin for a time. Elder Riddick also took German in high school and was talking about that with him, so that is how I found out about it.

I forgot to tell you all that we went to grocery stores for Pday.Chrisanne probably knows which two grocery stores I am talking about, Totos y Metro!

I am glad that Grace's rash is doing better and that her school work is going well. I cannot wait to here what you all do over these next couple weeks. I am sorry that this email is shorter than last week but I hope more goes on this week. Thanks mom for that bit from Brad Wilcox talk! I love you all!

P.S. I learned that the Quechua word for baby is wawa. I believe it was one of our relatives who was trying to find a wawa and said it sounds like baby talk, well they were very right about that!

Pictures  1. My district in front of the temple. 2. My trio. Elder Ch is the tall one and Elder Co is the other. 3. The little casas where we teach our "investigators".


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